2025-01-01 養生.聰明飲食
從超市購買的蘋果用刀輕刮表面會刮出一些蠟屑,這讓人憂心是否對健康有疑慮,或是是不是人工添加物,一位華盛頓州的蘋果農民提供解答,並解釋蘋果從產地到餐桌的過程,要大家放心食用。紐約郵報(New York Post)報導,蘋果及梨子農民凱特(Kait Thornton)是家族第四代,她和父親傑夫(Geoff)一起經營位於華盛頓州托納斯基特(Tonasket)、占地440英畝的農場;外型甜美的凱特在TikTok影片解釋蘋果表面有蠟的原因,影片累積530萬次瀏覽。凱特說,現在充滿太多被散播的食安恐懼,她不希望像蘋果這樣大家很常吃的食物讓人驚恐到不敢吃下肚,所以才想出來解釋摘採流程。凱特在影片中展示兩顆蘋果,一顆是大家會在超市買到的蘋果,外表乾淨又清亮,她用刀子輕刮表面,刮下一層蠟,而另一顆是剛從樹上摘下的蘋果,表面還有塵土,外表看起來髒髒灰灰的,完全不可口,凱特將塵土擦乾淨後,也用刀輕刮蘋果表面,竟也刮出蠟屑。 @apple.girl.kait No, it’s not just to “make them look pretty.” Although they do! A huge amount of food waste is prevented by applying a natural wax to fruits and vegetables after they’ve been scrubbed clean! 🧼 You can remove any wax by running your produce under warm water (don’t boil it, that blanches it), and drying off with a towel/paper towel! Here’s what a heavy majority of the waxes used are: 1️⃣ Carnauba Wax - Derived from the leaves of the carnauba palm tree. - Commonly used for its high gloss and durability. 2️⃣ Beeswax - Natural wax produced by honeybees. - Provides a subtle shine and protective coating. 3️⃣ Shellac - Derived from the resin secreted by the lac insect. - Often used to create a glossy finish and protective barrier. Ok, now I’ve helped you learn some new stuff… MERRY CHRISTMAS Y’ALL!🎄🎁❤️ ⭐️ Be safe, please PLEASE do not drink & drive. . #farm #apples #farmgirl #learnontiktok #farming #fruit #freshproduce #freshfruit #foodfacts #washington #pnw #christmas #merrychristmas #holiday #applegirl ♬ Elf - Main Title - Geek Music 凱特說,她從剛摘下的蘋果表面刮下的是蘋果天然的果蠟,是很多蔬菜水果天然形成的保護層,蘋果表面的果蠟可以協助留住水分,蘋果才不會變得乾扁或皺巴巴,讓其他生物看了想吃,這對蘋果的繁殖來說很重要。凱特說,摘下的蘋果在販售前要先經過清洗,把表面的髒汙和化學物質洗乾淨,這時果蠟也會被洗掉,因此洗淨後要再塗一層食品級蠟到蘋果表面,成為蘋果的保護層,讓蘋果不會太快腐爛、孳生真菌或營養流失。凱特說,蜂蠟(beeswax)、蟲膠(shellac)及從巴西棕櫚樹(carnauba palm tree)樹葉萃取的巴西棕櫚蠟(carnauba wax)是三種最常見用以添加到蘋果表面的蠟,都沒有食用疑慮。不少網友感謝凱特幫他們上了一課,直呼學到珍貴的知識;有網友笑說自己以前都不知道,原來蘋果從產地到餐桌前,還要先經過「護膚美容」,才能漂亮見客。責任編輯:辜子桓